I’m not a realtor.

Nor am I a real estate professional.

However, in my time, I’ve been party to more than 500 real estate transactions. On both sides, i.e. as a buyer and a seller.

Recently, I bought a home for my family.

And let me tell you, it wasn’t a fun refresher.

The mortgage broker in particular was a dead fish. Just had no personality. Made almost every step of the process a pain the ass and unpleasant.

Why am sharing this with you?

Because it reminded me just how much opportunity there is for realtors, agents, and mortgage brokers who are willing to go the extra mile and make the transaction as easy and stress-free as humanly possible.

And, when I say “opportunity”…

I’m talking about building a local brand, earning a reputation, being known as a respected expert and someone folks will want to brag about hiring.

You want to be THAT real estate professional, right?

(And not a “dead fish”.)

If so, I have something to help.

We’ve just launched a brand-new podcast series. For the time being, it’s called The Secrets of Real Estate Sales and Marketing Podcast.

It’s about attracting solid clients and closing them.

Now, I’ll be the first to admit, this name doesn’t roll off the tongue. I’m working on a new name for this podcast. So, if you have ideas, feel free to share.

Here’s a link to the first episode:

→ Podcast Episode 1 — Lessons from a “Dead Fish” Mortgage Broker

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